Comment Guidelines

This site enables the submission of anonymous comments without the need for prior registration. We value and encourage your comments, as we appreciate our community's enthusiasm for adult entertainment. We encourage you to share your ideas, questions, and individual feedback, as we truly value your input.

While we do not censor or prohibit explicit sexual language, we reserve the right to edit or delete comments based on our editorial assessment. We typically retain almost 100% of the original comments; however, your comment may be subject to editing or deletion, if it violates our guidelines.

Your comment may be edited or deleted, if it falls into any of the following categories. Additional reasons may apply depending on the circumstances. Repeated breaches of this comments policy may result in a permanent ban of your IP address, network, or device from this site.

  1. Suggesting that the author is below the legal age or containing references to such individuals, whether real or fictional.
  2. Suggesting sexual intercourse or BDSM practices between individuals with a familial relationship (such as parent-child or sibling), whether real or fictional.
  3. Suggesting that an individual involved in sexual intercourse or BDSM practices does so without consent, whether real or fictional.
  4. Violating a performer’s privacy by sharing real names, contact information, family relations, living conditions, or similar personal information.
  5. Containing racial slurs.
  6. Being considered defamatory, threatening, or harassing towards an individual.
  7. Containing references to excessive violence, blood, and gore.
  8. Including references to illegal substances.
  9. Incorporating political views or statements.
  10. Failing to relate to the material or topic presented on this site.
  11. Containing physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, or messenger contacts.
  12. Containing external links.
  13. Serving as advertising or promotion for an external product or service.
  14. Submitting identical comments too many times across multiple pages.

Report Comments

If you believe that a comment on this site does not adhere to these guidelines and should be removed, please contact us with the exact URL of where the comment appears and any additional details that will help us identify the comment in question.

Publication and Reversals

Once a comment has been submitted, it becomes visible to the public immediately, pending the editorial review process described above. Once a comment has been published, it cannot be edited or removed by the author. If you feel there is an important reason to edit or remove a comment you submitted, please contact us.